How to Make an Interactive Website With Adact [no Coding]

How to make an interactive website with Adact

Image source: Freepik

How to make an interactive website? You’d probably think it is a complex process requiring superpowers and insider knowledge. But in fact, it can be really simple.

Imagine you have fun interactive elements on your website.

When people visit your webpage, they can’t resist and find themselves playing the little games you created.

They win prizes. Games evoke positive emotions, and they start thinking your brand is cool. You watch how sales go up.

Sounds good?

In this article, we will show you how you can make interactive websites with no experience and zero coding knowledge. All you have to do is use the Adact platform. Let’s explain how.

How to make an interactive website with Adact

Adact interactive website results

If you don’t know how to build interactive websites, don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything from scratch. Using Adact, you can take your existing webpage and turn it into an interactive site. How? By integrating the game’s code you get from us.

The whole process breaks down into a few easy steps.

Choose a campaign type

Adact allows you to create multiple interactive elements for your website, and the technique involves no coding. So first, select a campaign type that will match your target audiences.

Some of these include:

Whatever you choose, these animated elements will encourage visitors to explore your site.

Customize it

Once you have decided on the type of game to embed on your website, it’s time to customize it. You can adjust it to match your branding by changing the background color or adding your own branded image as a background. 

But that’s not all. You can also change the design of the grid box and decide on the color and font of the text. Even feedback colors are customizable!

How to make an interactive website: Customization options

Set up prizes

How to make an interactive website: Prize setup

This is what motivates website visitors to participate in the game: Prizes! Think of prizes that can increase user engagement and evoke positive associations with your brand.

The specific prizes you choose will depend on various factors, such as the nature of the game, target audience, budget and overall objectives. Here are some prize ideas to consider:

  • Gift cards are versatile prizes that appeal to a wide range of participants. With them, users can decide which reward they prefer!
  • VIP experiences like a backstage pass to a concert or exclusive access to a special event can make a unique reward.
  • Subscriptions or memberships can also be valuable and attractive prizes. You can offer subscriptions to streaming platforms, fitness classes, online learning platforms or premium access to specific apps or websites.
  • Charity donations: Some participants may appreciate the opportunity to contribute to a cause they care about. Offer the winners the option to donate a portion of the prize value to a charitable organization.
  • Recognition and fame: Depending on the nature of the game, you could provide winners with recognition and publicity. It could involve featuring their names in the game credits, showcasing their achievements on social media or the game’s website or even offering opportunities for collaboration or endorsements.

Remember to tailor the prizes to your game’s target audience and consider any legal or logistical requirements involved in awarding the prizes.

Add a leaderboard

Create a leaderboard: a visual ranking of the game’s participants and their scores. It adds another pinch of excitement and motivates users to compete.

Adact leaderboard

With Adact, creating a leaderboard is easy and fun. All you have to do is:

  1. Add a field “Leaderboard name” in the form players use to register in the game.
  2. Then, on the end screen of your campaign, add a new element named “Leaderboard.” This way, you will create a space for displaying scoreboard rankings.
  3. Customize your leaderboard by choosing background colors, images, fonts and labels.
  4. Decide how you want to show the rankings: by score, time or other metrics.

Publish your campaign

Make your campaign available to visitors: copy and integrate the code into your website. You’re done! Now you have your own interactive website.

To further boost user engagement, you can allow user notifications to let participants track their scores, progress and leaderboard rankings.

Why make your website interactive?

Enriching your website with interactive tools like quizzes or simple games can bring several benefits, including:

Higher dwell rate

Interactive campaigns, such as quizzes, games or videos, grab users’ attention and encourage them to explore and engage with your website longer. When visitors find an interactive element intriguing or entertaining, they are more likely to stay on your site to complete the activity.

Improved conversion rate

Interactive campaigns have the potential to significantly improve conversion rates by engaging users, building trust and providing a more personalized and immersive experience.

💡 One of the best examples of interactive campaigns increasing conversion rates is the gamification created by Creditstar

The company launched a Halloween holiday campaign – a smash game where site visitors had 60 seconds to smash as many pumpkins as possible. At the end of each round, the game took them to a final page to learn about the company’s main products or current offers. 

This strategy helped Creditstar see a five times increase in conversion rate, achieving 20%!

CreditStar smash game


Interactive website design can capture users’ attention and encourage active participation. Interactive elements such as personality quizzes, jeopardy or wordle games can hold users’ interest and encourage them to spend more time on your website. It will lead them to explore your offerings in-depth and ultimately convert.

💡 Euronics recognized the power of gamification marketing and developed an immersive game resembling Candy Crush but with a unique twist. 

Instead of matching candies, players matched JBL Live Pro 2 headphones. The objective was to align as many headphones as possible. Each successful match meant a score. 

The game reached an impressive customer engagement time of 16.2 minutes!

Euronics Candy crush

Lead generation

Interactive websites are an excellent form of lead generation. They allow you to collect user data in a non-intrusive way. You can gather the website visitors’ email addresses and learn about their preferences, which opens a gateway for new marketing campaigns. 

If you obtain user consent, you can nurture the relationship through targeted follow-up communication using various email marketing ideas. It will help you stay top-of-mind and offer tailored incentives to encourage further conversions.

💡 The gamification campaign launched by A1 Slovenia is an excellent example of how creating interactive websites can help you generate leads. The campaign consisted of three trivia games, each active for a week, bringing them nearly 20k unique leads.

A1 Slovenia trivia

Data insights

Interactive elements like personality quizzes and swipe polls can help you collect user data and gain insights into their behavior, preferences and interests. This data can inform your marketing strategies, content creation and website optimization efforts.


In today’s fast-paced world, it takes effort to catch the attention of the site visitors. But people are always eager for mental candy. Interactive web design involving fun games and quizzes can entice them to stay longer on your website. By evoking positive emotions, it creates good associations with your brand.

Sign up to Adact and create interactive websites by implementing games and quizzes to your own web pages. 

How to make an interactive website: FAQs

What is an interactive website?

An interactive website is a type of website that provides a dynamic and engaging user experience through interactive features and elements. Unlike a static website that primarily presents information, an interactive website actively involves users and allows them to interact with the content or perform specific actions.
Interactive websites often incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, games, calculators, forms, chatbots, sliders, interactive maps or user-generated content. These elements encourage user engagement, participation and exploration, making the website more dynamic, immersive and personalized.

Are interactive websites good?

Interactive web design often encourages users to actively engage with the site by completing challenges, earning rewards or competing with others. 
As users progress through the gamified experience, you may prompt them to create and share content based on their achievements, experiences or interactions with the game. 
This user-generated content serves as valuable social proof, as it reflects genuine user experiences and opinions, which can further promote the gamification marketing campaign and attract additional participants.

How do I make an interactive website without coding?

You can create an interactive website by implementing Adact’s interactive design components to your existing webpage. 
Sign up to Adact, choose a campaign type you want to create and adjust the template. When your design is ready, embed the game’s code into your website and viola! You have an interactive website.
Adact helps to increase engagement rates and length with clients and new leads. The personalized games created with Adact are designed to be fun and interactive, which helps to keep users engaged.

How do I make my website dynamic and interactive?

You can add interactivity to your website by creating interactive elements with Adact.
Adact is a gamification marketing software allowing users to create, build and manage campaigns without coding. 
Choose from over 40 unique campaign types, including text-based games, Wheel of Fortune and Multiplayer Trivia. 
Next, customize your games to match your brand identity: adjust colors, logos and images. This customization helps to create a personalized user experience.
Adact allows brands to collect data from the games they create, including email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information. This data can personalize future marketing campaigns and improve lead-generation efforts.

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