The Ultimate Jeopardy Trivia Questions & Answers Collection

Jeopardy Questions

Jeopardy is a game that has captivated audiences for decades with its unique format and challenging questions. Whether you’re playing it for fun, using it as a learning tool, or incorporating it into your marketing strategy – having a solid collection of Jeopardy trivia questions and answers is essential.

The Trivia Games market is booming, with 1.3 billion mobile downloads in 2022 and a net worth of $210.10 million in the same year. This is all the more reason to get ahead of the game and use trivia to boost marketing and enhance employee engagement.

From the iconic Daily Doubles to the nail-biting Final Jeopardy round, watching the well-known TV show Jeopardy has remained a family-wide staple worldwide. That’s why Adact has compiled an electrifying assortment of brain-teasing Jeopardy trivia questions and answers that will intrigue even the savviest trivia buffs out there.

How to use Jeopardy for marketing and gamification?

Jeopardy isn’t just a popular game show – it’s also an incredibly effective tool for marketing and gamification. By incorporating Jeopardy-style games into your campaigns, you can engage your audience in a fun and interactive way, making your brand more memorable and boosting customer loyalty.

Jeopardy games are perfect for online promotions, where participants can compete for prizes, discounts, or other incentives. The competitive nature of the game encourages repeat participation and social sharing, helping to expand your reach organically.


Simply put, gamification makes things more interesting by incorporating game elements and mechanics into non-game contexts to engage and motivate people. It applies game design principles to real life to make tasks more enjoyable and increase participation, learning and productivity.

Gamification has many uses, such as: 

Some of the many benefits of gamification include: 

  • Increased engagement
  • Enhanced development skills
  • Improved motivation
  • Heightened collaboration
  • Customer retention

Best Jeopardy categories and topics

Choosing the right topics and fun Jeopardy categories is key to creating an engaging Jeopardy game. Here are some of the best ideas to inspire your next game:

Jeopardy ideas for parties

Company history: Test employees’ knowledge of your company’s history and milestones.

Industry knowledge: Focus on questions related to your industry’s trends, terminologies, and best practices.

Product training: Create categories around your products and services to improve employee knowledge.

Corporate policies: Reinforce understanding of company policies and procedures.

Fun facts about team members: Use lighthearted questions to help team members learn more about each other.

Problem-solving scenarios: Encourage teamwork by presenting challenges that require group effort to solve.

Company culture: Questions related to your organization’s values, mission, and culture.

Mathematics: Categories can range from basic arithmetic to complex algebra and geometry.

Science: Topics could include the periodic table, human anatomy, or earth sciences.

Social studies: Focus on geography, history, and civics.

Language arts: Questions on grammar, vocabulary, and literature analysis.

Test prep: Use Jeopardy to help students review for upcoming tests.

Lesson review: Reinforce key points from recent lessons in a fun, competitive way.

Interactive learning: Make learning more engaging by incorporating Jeopardy into everyday lessons.

Group work: Divide students into teams to foster collaboration and friendly competition.

Themed party trivia: Tailor your Jeopardy game to match the theme of your party, whether it’s a holiday, a birthday, or a movie night.

Pop culture: Focus on questions about movies, music, TV shows, and current events.

Decade-specific: Create categories around different decades, such as the 80s, 90s, or 2000s.

Trivia mix: Combine questions from various categories to keep the game exciting and unpredictable.

Cartoons and movies: Questions about popular children’s shows and animated films.

Animal kingdom: Focus on questions about different animals, habitats, and ecosystems.

Fairy tales: Classic stories, characters, and morals.

Simple math: Basic arithmetic problems suitable for young children.

General knowledge: Cover a wide range of topics, from history and science to sports and art.

Wine and dine: Questions about food, drinks, cooking, and culinary history.

Travel: Explore destinations, landmarks, and travel trivia.

Trivia nights: Create a pub quiz-style Jeopardy game with challenging questions on a variety of topics.

100 Jeopardy trivia questions & answers

Here are some Jeopardy trivia questions and answers you can use.

Coworker and company

1. Clue: This colleague has a cat and used to work as a financial analyst.
Answer: Who is (employee name)?

2. Clue: This is the second most spoken language among employees at our company.
Answer: What is (language)?

3. Clue: He/she is our youngest employee and works in the IT department.
Answer: Who is (name of the youngest staff member)?

4. Clue: He/she is our longest-standing employee, having worked for the company for 30 years.
Answer: Who is (employee name)?

5. Clue: This colleague was the winner of our company’s “Employee of the Year” award last year.
Answer: Who is (employee name)?


6. Clue: His first featured role was playing the scarecrow in the 1985 film “The Wiz”.
Answer: Who is Michael Jackson?

7. Clue: This 1989 movie starring Kevin Costner was based on a novel called “Shoeless Joe”.
Answer: What is the “Field of Dreams”?

8. Clue: Actor James Cromwell earned Oscar nominations by playing a role in this 1995 movie about a piglet.
Answer: What is “Babe”?

9. Clue: This film from the early 2000s was about a New York girl from Staten Island trying to make her mark in the big city.
Answer: What is a “Working Girl”?

10. Clue: This 1994 film, directed by Quentin Tarantino, intertwines multiple stories of crime in Los Angeles.
Answer: What is “Pulp Fiction”?

Jeopardy trivia questions: Movies


11. Clue: This country/pop singer had three songs that appeared on Billboard’s Top 20 songs of 2015; one such title was her top hit, “Bad Blood”.
Answer: Who is Taylor Swift?

12. Clue: This England-born Albanian woman discovered she was “levitating” to climb the music charts in 2021.
Answer: Who is Dua Lipa?

13. Clue: With fans commonly known as the “Bey Hive”, this artist released her live album “Homecoming” in 2019.
Answer: Who is Beyonce?

14. Clue: Ufologists’ knowledge was used for this Nicki Minaj song mentioning how these celestial objects were “meant to fly”.
Answer: What is ”Starships”?

15. Clue: This British band, formed in 1968, is known for iconic hits like “Stairway to Heaven.”
Answer: Who is Led Zeppelin?


16. Clue: This famous American sitcom featured a Superman reference in every episode.
Answer: What is “Seinfeld”?

17. Clue: She was the red-headed cast member of the New York City series “Sex and the City”.
Answer: Who is Miranda?

18. Clue: With his famous line being, “We were on a break!”, this Friends cast member was one of the central characters in the series.
Answer: Who is Ross?

19. Clue: These two identical cuties wore fake teeth while on the set of Full House.
Answer: Who are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson?

20. Clue: This animated TV show, featuring a family of yellow characters, is the longest-running American sitcom.
Answer: What is “The Simpsons”?


21. Clue: A Russian probe located on this planet captured the first close-up images sent back to Earth in 1975.
Answer: What is Venus?

22. Clue: Also the name of part of an atom, this central part of a comet is its only permanent feature.
Answer: What is a nucleus?

23. Clue: Hell, Billy and Julius Caesar are all a group of moon features given this name.
Answer: What are craters?

24. Clue: Scientists discovered that the 1998 asteroid QE2 had this following it when it went cruising by Earth in 2013.
Answer: What is a moon?

25. Clue: This planet, known as the “Red Planet,” is the fourth from the Sun in our solar system.
Answer: What is Mars?


26. Clue: The term “guising” refers to this common Halloween tradition.
Answer: What is dressing up?

27. Clue: This song is a traditional tune sung in the movie “Mean Girls” during the holiday talent show.
Answer: What is “Jingle Bell Rock”?

28. Clue: Famous for turkey raising, this state sells the most Thanksgiving turkeys across America.
Answer: What is Minnesota?

29. Clue: This former United States president made Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day federal holidays during his presidency in 1870.
Answer: Who is Ulysses S. Grant?

30. Clue: This holiday, celebrated on February 14th, is associated with love and the exchange of cards and gifts.
Answer: What is Valentine’s Day?


31. Clue: The country’s inaugural World Cup took place in 1930.
Answer: What is Uruguay?

32. Clue: This is an American football term for a backward or double-handoff play.
Answer: What is a reverse?

33. Clue: This former Chicago Bulls player holds six NBA championships and is commonly thought to be one of the greatest players in history.
Answer: Who is Michael Jordan?

34. Clue: This American football team was undefeated for a whole season, including their win in the 1972 Super Bowl.
Answer: Who are the Miami Dolphins?

35. Clue: This tennis player, often called the “King of Clay,” has won the French Open a record number of times.
Answer: Who is Rafael Nadal?

Jeopardy trivia questions: Sports


36. Clue: The northern city of Chiang Mai is in this country and is home to many elephant sanctuaries.
Answer: What is Thailand?

37. Clue: This body of water surrounding New York City is 507 kilometers long, with enormous biodiversity.
Answer: What is the Hudson River?

38. Clue: Hamlet’s father was the king of Denmark and killed Fortinbra’s father, who was the king of this particular nearby country.
Answer: What is Norway?

39. Clue: On February 15th, 1965, this country raised its flag for the first time on parliament hill.
Answer: What is Canada?

40. Clue: This is the largest desert in the world, covering most of North Africa.
Answer: What is the Sahara Desert?

American History

41. Clue: Out of the nine wars the US participated in, these two lasted the longest.
Answer: What are the Revolutionary War and Vietnam War?

42. Clue: This president vetoed more legislation than any other president.
Answer: Who is Franklin Delano Rosevelt?

43. Clue: Terry Branstad is the longest-standing governor in US history in this state.
Answer: What is Iowa?

44. Clue: He assassinated Abraham Lincoln after the Civil War.
Answer: Who is John Wilkes Booth?

45. Clue: This infamous event on December 7, 1941, led the United States to enter World War II.
Answer: What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Food & Drink

46. Clue: When in Central Asia, ask for shashlik; when in the Middle East, ask for this 2-word equivalent.
Answer: What is a shish kebab?

47. Clue: Galao is a coffee drink originating in this country.
Answer: What is Portugal?

48. Clue: Marcona is a variety of this nut grown in Spain.
Answer: What is an almond?

49. Clue: Like the fermented drink called Koumiss, made from mare’s milk, this drink also starts with the letter “K”.
Answer: What is kefir?

50. Clue: This Italian dish, known for its thin crust and variety of toppings, is one of the most popular foods worldwide.
Answer: What is pizza?

Jeopardy trivia questions: Food


51. Clue: Stratocumulus and cirrocumulus are separated by as many as 40,000 feet and are two types of this atmospheric gas.
Answer: What are clouds?

52. Clue: This is known as the heritable trait that gives the receiver an advantage during natural selection.
Answer: What is an adaptation?

53. Clue: The functional group found in hydrocarbons holds this name.
Answer: What is a methyl group?

54. Clue: This is the name of the pre-programmed death cell process.
Answer: What is apoptosis?

55. Clue: This element, with the atomic number 1, is the most abundant in the universe.
Answer: What is hydrogen?


56. Clue: This Greek god is known as the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus.
Answer: Who is Zeus?

57. Clue: This Norse god is associated with thunder and lightning.
Answer: Who is Thor?

58. Clue: This Roman goddess is equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena and is associated with wisdom.
Answer: Who is Minerva?

59. Clue: This legendary hero is known for his 12 labors, including slaying the Nemean Lion.
Answer: Who is Hercules?

60. Clue: This Egyptian god, often depicted with a falcon head, is associated with the sky and kingship.
Answer: Who is Horus?


61. Clue: This artist is famous for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Answer: Who is Michelangelo?

62. Clue: This artist is known for his Cubist paintings, including “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.”
Answer: Who is Pablo Picasso?

63. Clue: This painting by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most recognized pieces of art in the world.
Answer: What is the “Mona Lisa”?

64. Clue: This artist is known for his series of paintings of water lilies.
Answer: Who is Claude Monet?

65. Clue: This famous painting by Edvard Munch depicts a figure with an agonized expression against a tumultuous sky.
Answer: What is “The Scream”?

Animals and wildlife

66. Clue: This large mammal is known as the “King of the Jungle,” despite primarily living in savannas and grasslands.
Answer: What is the lion?

67. Clue: This flightless bird, native to New Zealand, is known for its long beak and nocturnal habits.
Answer: What is the kiwi?

68. Clue: This marine mammal is the largest animal on Earth, capable of reaching lengths over 90 feet.
Answer: What is the blue whale?

69. Clue: This striped animal is known for its unique black-and-white pattern, which acts as camouflage in the wild.
Answer: What is a zebra?

70. Clue: This marsupial, native to Australia, is known for its strong hind legs and pouch.
Answer: What is a kangaroo?

Economics and Finance

71. Clue: This economic term describes a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over time.
Answer: What is inflation?

72. Clue: This U.S. stock market index includes 30 of the largest publicly traded companies and is often used as an economic indicator.
Answer: What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

73. Clue: This famous 18th-century economist wrote “The Wealth of Nations,” laying the foundations for classical economics.
Answer: Who is Adam Smith?

74. Clue: This economic concept occurs when there is only one producer or seller of a product or service in a market.
Answer: What is a monopoly?

75. Clue: This term refers to a prolonged period of economic downturn characterized by a decline in GDP.
Answer: What is a recession?

World religions

76. Clue: This is the world’s largest religion, based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Answer: What is Christianity?

77. Clue: This ancient religion, originating in India, believes in karma, dharma, and the cycle of rebirth called samsara.
Answer: What is Hinduism?

78. Clue: This religion, founded in the 7th century, follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the holy book, the Quran.
Answer: What is Islam?

79. Clue: This Jewish festival of lights is celebrated for eight days and nights, commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
Answer: What is Hanukkah?

80. Clue: This religion, practiced mainly in Japan, focuses on rituals and devotion to kami, or spirits.
Answer: What is Shinto?

Board Games and Video Games

81. Clue: This board game, where players buy and trade properties, is named after a term for exclusive control over a market.
Answer: What is Monopoly?

82. Clue: In this video game, players explore an open world called Hyrule and take on the role of a hero named Link.
Answer: What is The Legend of Zelda?

83. Clue: This classic board game involves players sinking their opponent’s fleet of ships by calling out grid coordinates.
Answer: What is Battleship?

84. Clue: This 1980s arcade game features a yellow, circular character navigating a maze while avoiding ghosts and eating dots.
Answer: What is Pac-Man?

85. Clue: This strategic board game, where players compete to conquer territories, is known as “the game of global domination.”
Answer: What is Risk?

Superheroes and Comics

86. Clue: This superhero, known as the “Man of Steel,” is from the planet Krypton.
Answer: Who is Superman?

87. Clue: This superhero is the alter ego of billionaire playboy Tony Stark.
Answer: Who is Iron Man?

88. Clue: This comic book company is known for creating characters like Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Avengers.
Answer: What is Marvel Comics?

89. Clue: This superhero group includes Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash.
Answer: What is the Justice League?

90. Clue: This superhero, also known as the Scarlet Speedster, has the ability to run at superhuman speeds.
Answer: Who is The Flash?

Mythical Creatures

91. Clue: This one-eyed giant from Greek mythology was outsmarted by Odysseus.
Answer: What is a Cyclops?

92. Clue: This legendary bird is said to be reborn from its ashes after death.
Answer: What is a Phoenix?

93. Clue: This half-man, half-horse creature from Greek mythology is known for its wisdom and warrior skills.
Answer: What is a Centaur?

94. Clue: This serpent-like dragon from Norse mythology is said to gnaw at the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree.
Answer: What is Nidhogg?

95. Clue: This sea creature from Greek mythology lured sailors to their doom with their enchanting music and voices.
Answer: What are Sirens?

World Capitals

96. Clue: This city is the capital of Australia, not Sydney as many people mistakenly believe.
Answer: What is Canberra?

97. Clue: This South American capital city is the highest in the world, sitting at an altitude of 11,152 feet.
Answer: What is La Paz?

98. Clue: This European capital city is known for its canals and is often referred to as the “Venice of the North.”
Answer: What is Amsterdam?

99. Clue: This city is the capital of Japan and one of the most populous cities in the world.
Answer: What is Tokyo?

100. Clue: This African capital city is the political and administrative center of Egypt.
Answer: What is Cairo?

Jeopardy trivia questions with Adact

Now that you have an idea of what Jeopardy questions to use, it’s time to take a look at the benefits of designing your campaign with Adact. Launching a Jeopardy campaign can be a fun, effective strategy for marketing initiatives by increasing brand awareness, creating interactive experiences and delivering educational content.

You can also use Jeopardy-style work trivia games for employee training and engagement. These quiz games enhance learning, foster teamwork and make training more enjoyable.

You don’t have to take our word for it – here are some of the results our clients achieved after creating their Jeopardy campaign with Adact.

Atomic Wallet

Atomic Wallet is an online wallet that stores, manages and exchanges various forms of cryptocurrency. The company partnered with Adact to launch a Jeopardy-style campaign and reward users for their knowledge about the well-known crypto named Polygon and they were delighted with the results.

The Jeopardy game ended up being a huge hit! It accumulated 246,000 unique views along with a whopping 95% game completion. This crowd-pleasing marketing initiative proves just how engaging gamification examples with Adact can be.

Atomic Wallet Jeopardy game

Kaupmees & KO

The Estonian wholesale company Kaupmees & KO set out to break barriers between their employees by applying gamification in HR. After looking at Adact’s recommended employee engagement games, they decided to go with the all-time favorite – Jeopardy.

Not only did the game help celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary, but it created a safe space for employees to connect and compete with each other. The automatic translation feature helped them create campaigns in two languages so everyone could participate. 

HR was able to promote team-building and harness their best practices in employee engagement through productive and entertaining office gameplay. Mission accomplished!

Kaupmees Jeopardy game


Adact partnered with sTARTUp Day to help companies use gamification for events to stand out at a conference they hosted. Interactive elements helped to engage conference attendees much more than the traditional business card approach. This also allowed startups to get creative and break apart from the pack.

Ultimately, every company that used Adact collected two to five times more unique leads than usual! One company – FoundMe – didn’t even have salespeople present and conferencegoers still engaged with their Jeopardy-style games. This speaks to just how effective gamification can be with both in-person and online.

foundME Jeopardy game

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Jeopardy trivia questions FAQ

Best jeopardy questions are presented in the form of an answer, with contestants responding with the correct question. Some examples of good jeopardy questions: “This planet is known as the Red Planet.” The correct response would be, “What is Mars?”

– This is the chemical symbol for Oxygen. – What is “O”?

– This is the capital city of France. – What is Paris?

– This sport is played in the World Series. – What is baseball?

– This person played the leading role in the 2018 film “A Star is Born”. – Who is Lady Gaga?

– This novel, written by Harper Lee, features the character Atticus Finch. – What is “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

– He was the first president of the United States. – Who is George Washington?

Yes, Jeopardy is categorized as a trivia game. It is a popular television game show where contestants answer questions across various categories to earn points. The host provides answers, and contestants must respond with the corresponding question. The questions can cover many topics, including history, science, literature, pop culture, and more.

There are a ton of topics and categories you can use in Jeopardy. Some jeopardy examples include history, geography, science, literature, sports, movies, TV, music, pop culture, food and drink, politics, law, etc.

To make a good Jeopardy question, be clear and concise, use the unique question-answer format, vary the difficulty level, cover a range of topics, make them interesting, and always fact-check!

The most popular Jeopardy categories often include “Drinks,” “Before & After” (wordplay), “Science,” “World History,” “U.S. Presidents,” “Books,” and “Movies.” These categories are favorites because they cover a wide range of topics that many people know about.

In a standard game of Jeopardy, there are six categories in each round, with each category containing five clues of increasing value. The final Jeopardy round features a single category.

In Jeopardy, the contestant who correctly answers the previous question gets to choose the next category and the value of the clue within that category.

Create your first Jeopardy with Adact

Ready to create a Jeopardy game that’s not just engaging, but also a blast to play? With Adact, you can easily create and launch your own custom Jeopardy game – perfect for everything from classroom fun to team-building challenges or even jazzing up your marketing efforts. 

Adact lets you take the charge, customizing everything from categories and questions to the game’s visual flair. Get started today, and discover how your Jeopardy game can turn any event into a hit, boost engagement, and leave your audience with unforgettable experiences. Don’t wait – sign up with Adact now and tap into the full power of interactive learning and gamification!

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