How Coca-Cola engaged visitors at their exhibition booth?

Coca-Cola has long been known for its innovative marketing campaigns. But recently, the brand took its marketing strategy one step further by leveraging gamification as a way to engage with visitors at the Cyber Battle’s event, lending a playful twist to their exhibition booth. Through engaging and interactive games, Coca-Cola was able to draw in more people and engage them in an entertaining and informative way that left a lasting impression.

What was Coca-Cola’s booth about?

The goal of the booth was to attract visitors and communicate the brand’s message in a unique and creative way. To achieve that, Coca-Cola asked Orangetime, an event marketing agency to help them out a little with their booth concept. The agency and Coca-Cola came to a one-of-a-kind solution – gamification marketing. They decided to create two interactive games—a drop game and a wheel of fortune. These games incorporated their brand values, messages, and products into an enjoyable experience for players at the exhibition booth. The games were projected onto a large LED screen so that everyone could watch as others played. This helped to pique interest among those who were waiting for their turn, as well as those who weren’t playing but still wanted to watch the fun.

Coca-Cola exhibition booth gamification marketing solution to engage its visitors

What games did they choose?

They implemented a 2-game strategy at their booth. A drop game to catch the attention of the exhibition visitors and later a wheel of fortune to raffle out different prizes. The drop game was designed so that players had to catch falling object while avoiding obstacles such as sugar cubes. After that they were redirected to the wheel of fortune. This game enabled players to spin a wheel with different beverages as a prize. Both games were designed with bright colours and attractive graphics which made them eye-catching even from far away.

Coca Cola gamification marketing campaign exhibition booth example game

The “cherry on top” results

Coca-Cola also had an enthusiastic host on hand who interacted with players throughout their game sessions, providing encouragement and helpful tips along the way. This combination of visuals, audio cues, and human interaction helped create an immersive experience that kept visitors engaged for a long period of time! In total, over 200 gameplays were collected during the 7-hour exhibition period – a testament to just how successful this approach was!

What to learn from it?

Coca-Cola’s gamified approach to engaging visitors at the Cyber Battle’s event was both creative and effective – something that everyone can learn from! Not only did it draw in more people than traditional marketing tactics would have done alone; but it also provided an entertaining yet informative experience that left participants feeling connected with the brand’s campaign in a memorable way! Gamification is increasingly becoming an important part of modern marketing strategies – one that can be used effectively by any business looking to create greater engagement with its target audience.

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