Spooktacular Gamification Results for CreditStar

Creditstar Halloween background

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing color, the air is getting crisp, and pumpkins are appearing on doorsteps. That can only mean one thing—Halloween is just around the corner! As always, Creditstar decided to celebrate the holiday with a special campaign. This year, their goal was to engage with their users and give them the opportunity to have some fun while also reminding them about our products and offers.

So, how did our campaign turn out? Keep reading to find out!

How does gamification work?

Essentially, it uses play as a means to an end. By incorporating elements of fun and competition, you can more easily engage users and motivate them towards your desired outcome—in this case, conversion.

Think about it: when was the last time you played a game that wasn’t fun? Games are designed to be enjoyable so that people will keep playing them. And the longer people play, the more likely they are to achieve the objectives set forth by the game designers. That’s why gamification is such an effective tool for marketers—because it taps into our natural desire to play and win.

How did Creditstar reach their goal?

Halloween is all about fun, so what better way to engage with users than with a game? The goal of the Creditstar Halloween campaign was twofold: first, to give its users a chance to play and have some fun; and second, to remind them about their products and offers. To achieve this, Creditstar changed the game setup so that at the end of each gameplay, customers were redirected to a final page where they could learn more about their main product or current offer. Creditstar also included a call-to-action (CTA) button that would send them directly to our website so they could take advantage of the deal.

The response to the campaign was overwhelmingly positive. Not only did they see a significant increase in engagement, but their conversion rate also spiked!

How did their smash game work?

The goal of the game is to break as many pumpkins as possible in 60 seconds. For each pumpkin you smash, you’ll earn points. The more pumpkins you smash, the higher your score will be. At the end of each game, customers are redirected to a final page with information about one of our main products or current offers. There’s also a call-to-action (CTA) button that sends them directly to our website so they can learn more or take advantage of the offer.

What were the spooktacular results?

According to a report by Ruleranalytics, the average conversion rate for traditional marketing methods across all industries is around 3.9%. But with gamification, that number jumps to 20%. That’s a 5x increase in conversion! So if you’re not using gamification as part of your marketing strategy, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

How to get started with gamification?

There’s never been a better time to start your gamification marketing campaign. Smash Game is a highly engaging action-based game which allows you to engage people for a long period of time. You can create an account and build your own smash game campaign in a couple of hours with our drag-and-drop-based software! All you need are some ideas of what kind of pictures to use in the game and then launch away. You’ll be able to turn those first players into loyal fans before long enough that they will tell all their friends just how awesome this game is.

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In the meeting, we will take a look at ADACT, discuss different game ideas and how gamification can help reach your marketing goals.
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What to expect from the 30 minute demo call:

  • You will learn how to easily launch gamification marketing campaings
  • Find solutions for your specific use cases
  • We will cover case studies and success stories similar to your brand
  • Discuss flexible pricing options
  • If possible, we will create your own designed campaign during the call together
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