Adact is a one-stop-shop for your entire Gamification Marketing Lifecycle

Create Lotteries, Quizzes, Prediction games, Branded Mini Games and much more without writing a single line of code and achieve 80% better conversion.

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What is gamification marketing?

Gamification marketing means you will use innovative solutions inspired by games to explain your products / services or even ideas in an interactive way – turning a boring monologue into an exciting two-way dialogue.

This approach is like an antidote for short attention span which engages and intrigues visitors for a long time.

Gamification leverages the natural human desire for competition, achievement, and reward.

The brand stays in the consumer’s consciousness for a longer time, leading the consumer to consciously prefer the given brand in a buying situation. Games are also very effective to generate leads for remarketing. Thus, Adact is not a one-time thing but a tool for your whole marketing lifecycle. I’ve been very satisfied with the results and will continue using Adact.
Vladas Sapranavičius
Head of Ecommerce, Go3

Gamification Marketing makes your brand come alive!

All of the examples below can either be used to get better results on existing content, or used as a separate campaign experience

Not Gamified

Show products for passive viewing

  • With a campaign where several products are at a discount, simply showing them all together means few of them will be focused on.
  • To highlight specific products you need to use valuable banner space
  • Without interactions, visitors are rarely storing the information to a long term memory


Challenge users to memorize your products

  • Visitors are actively memorizing specific products and want to engage.
  • One player will play the game on average 2.5 times
  • 98% of players will finish the entire game
  • 50-80% of people will use a discount code if provided

Not Gamified

Gathering Disengaged E-mails

  • 76% of visitors report that this approach is an annoying way to capture e-mails.
  • Everybody has the same prize without any personalization.


Awarding discounts as prizes

  • Due to Loss Aversion theory, if people feel they won something, there is a 2.5x higher chance of them acting on the prize.
  • Allows for various unique prizes and modify their winning probabilities.
  • Generates retention via being able to spin again each day.

Not Gamified

Landing page with text and images

  • Visitors passively scan your message instead of reading it causing low engagement and fast bounce rates.
  • Average time spent reading the content is 1,7 seconds which is not enough to learn about your message.


Educate and engage readers through content

  • Visitors are actively engaged and focused on the topic
  • Average time spent playing through a trivia game is 40 seconds
  • 62% of your visitors will takte the test
  • 95% of them will finish the entire test
  • 32% of the visitors will click to learn more after the test
  • 30-80% of people will use a discount code if provided

Not Gamified

Non engaging form to advertise Google

  • No-one is excited to fill out such forms.
  • If someone does not answer all the questions you will not know their answers.
  • Has no branding and is more suitable for high-school thesis survey.


Exciting survey which advertises your brand

  • Includes game-like ways to answer questions that makes each question feel fresh and interesting
  • Questions are served one-by-one with a simple swipe or tap to respond
  • 87%  will answer all of the questions
  • Include the answers where people only answered a few questions

Not gamified

  • Holiday campaigns only differ because it has a different name – in it’s core it’s the same discount campaign.
  • Does not differentiate from competitors.
  • Does not take full advantage of heightened engagement of visitors during the holiday


  • Translate the holiday spirit into a game!
  • 26.5 replays on average
  • 16min+ time spent on site per user.
  • 5-10% Bounce Rates
  • Award unique prizes based on the score!
  • Virality effect and campaign spreads by word-of-mouth!

Gamification marketing turns interactions into results, acts like a magnet, and makes everyone winners!

Gamified Interactions produce better results

While standard marketing only engages our vision, Gamification marketing engages our entire brainpower.

By being actively engaged, gamification yields the users full focus.

Participants actively think on what they are doing making it much more intimate and engaging which in turn generates higher understanding, and conversion.

Gamification Marketing makes everyone winners

Your participants earn their prizes which in turn makes them less likely to throw away their earnings.

Comparing to getting something for free people are over 3x more likely to cash in your prize if you feel you earned it.

Gamification provides a simple interaction that generates the feeling of pride and achivement which is closely related to your messaging.

Gamification marketing is like a magnet​

Interactive marketing Pulls people towards you instead of Pushing your message to your audience.

Instead of being seen as an obnoxious advertisement, you are changing memorable.

Interested to get a personal example?

We do not expect you to know everything about gamification marketing – that’s what we are for!  On the call we will explain everything through personalized examples and can even build one for you on the spot!

Let’s get started

What to expect from the 30 minute demo call:

  • You will learn how to easily launch gamification marketing campaings
  • Find solutions for your specific use cases
  • We will cover case studies and success stories similar to your brand
  • Discuss flexible pricing options
  • If possible, we will create your own designed campaign during the call together
  • Make sure you leave with a new found knowledge of gamification marketing innovations
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