How to engage 10000 FMCG customers in 1 day? – Kaubamaja Case Study

Ready, Set, Go! In today’s competitive retail market, it’s more important than ever for companies to find creative ways to engage customers and get them interested in their products. That’s why Kaubamaja AS, a large department store in Estonia, decided to use gamification to promote their latest flash sale. And it paid off big time! In just one day, they managed to engage a whopping 10,000 players and bring attention to the sale which resulted in increased sales. Here’s how they did it.

How did Kaubamaja use gamification?

Every autumn they have a flash sale called Shopping Race. Inspired by the flash sale idea, they decided to use a highly engaging campaign type called Drop Game to promote their products on sale. It seems that their idea paid off!

They published their game for only one day and managed to engage approximately 10 000 players in that time! And keep in mind that since it is a highly engaging campaign type, the engagement time and average gameplays per person are increased. Since 99% of the people completed the game, we can say that every person who played the game, was engaged with Kaubamaja’s content for 150 seconds. Unbelievably high engagement time compared to basic social media ads!

Kaubamaja gamification Drop Game Osturalli FMCG campaign

Why was it successful?

The game they created was called “Shopping Race” and it was simple yet effective. Customers could go to the campaign’s landing page and play the game by collecting falling objects that represented items on sale. For every product they collected, they would earn points. The goal was to rack up as many points as possible in order to win prizes like gift cards and discount codes.

Not only did this create a sense of urgency and encourage people to buy items that were on sale, but it also got people talking about the sale and generated excitement around the store. As a result, Kaubamaja saw a significant boost in sales and foot traffic during the sale.

What is the best way to motivate people to play your game? Give them prizes! Kaubamaja AS knew that and made sure that they were offering prizes that people actually want to win. This doesn’t mean that you have to offer expensive prizes—sometimes, even a simple gift card can be enough to get people excited about playing. What’s important is that the prizes are relevant to your brand and will appeal to your target audience. For Kaubamaja AS, they offered gift cards and discounts on popular items—both of which were sure to appeal to their target audience of bargain hunters.

Kaubamaja drop game promotion poster FMCG flash sale

How can you get started with gamification?

There’s never been a better time to start your campaign. Drop Game is a highly engaging action-based game which allows you to engage people for a long period of time. You can create an account and build your own drop game campaign in a couple of hours with our drag-and-drop-based software! All you need are some ideas of what kind of qualities to use in the game and then launch away. You’ll be able to turn those first players into loyal fans before long enough that they will tell all their friends just how awesome this game is.

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