Case Studies

Explore our blog for practical tips and relatable case studies that offer guidance and ideas on how to make the most of Adact in your marketing efforts

Conquer exhibitions with gamification marketing
Case Study

Conquer exhibitions with gamification marketing

Gamification is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining visitors at exhibitions. Learn how to use game-based marketing techniques to create a more engaging and motivating experience for your audience.

Case Study

How gamification increased awareness about life insurance

Insurers are often thought of as the boring, old-fashioned industry that no one wants to work in or deal with. But what if there was a way to change people’s perception of insurance and make it more engaging? Estonian Insurance Association company did just that by using gamification marketing. Learn how they did it and see if you can apply the same techniques to your own marketing efforts.

Creditstar Halloween background
Case Study

Spooktacular Gamification Results for CreditStar

The leaves are changing color, the air is getting crisp, and pumpkins are appearing on doorsteps. That can only mean one thing—Halloween is just around the corner! As always, Creditstar decided to celebrate the holiday with a special campaign. This year, their goal was to engage with their users and give them the opportunity to have some fun while also reminding them about our products and offers.

Case Study

Gamification for HR – Kaupmees & KO Case Study

What if we tell you that there are more ways to use gamification than marketing? What if you create a game for your employees to enlighten their regular every-other workday? This is where gamification steps in.

Case Study

How Euronics’ Candy Crush engaged customers for over 15 minutes

Studies have shown that games can be up to 80% more effective at getting people to engage with your brand than traditional advertising methods. Euronics got inspired by Candy Crush and decided to use it to engage its customer for over 15minutes!

Case Study

Road to success with gamification marketing | Ballzy case study

In the age of social media, marketers have had to get creative to stand out from the crowd. Cue gamification marketing: a technique that uses game mechanics to drive engagement and motivation. And it’s been a huge success! So what’s behind this new trend in marketing? How did Ballzy, a sneaker retailer implement it into their marketing strategy? If you’re looking for some ballsy inspiration from them, read on!

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