Tele2 Wheel of Fortune Campaign at Tallinn Maritime Days

Tele2 Tallinn Maritime Days Wheel of Fortune Campaign to collect leads and change brand awareness and affinity

Tele2, a leading communication services provider, aimed to introduce the possibilities of its fixed connection to people and collect potential customer contacts. To achieve this, they collaborated with Adact, a gamification marketing company, to create an engaging and interactive campaign at the Tallinn Maritime Days event.

Objectives: Elevating Brand Affinity through Gamification Strategies

The main marketing objectives of the Tele2 Wheel of Fortune Campaign were twofold: Introduce Tele2’s fixed connection services to the target audience. Gather contact information from potential customers to drive future marketing efforts.

And of course… engage people at the 2023 Tallinn Maritime Days event.

As gamification marketing works backwards – first you need to set a goal, then how you want to achieve it and then choose a game type, let’s move on to the game itself.

Gamification Strategy: A Virtual Wheel of Fortune Brimming with Surprises

Adact devised a playful solution, leveraging gamification elements to make the campaign fun and enticing for the participants. Attendees interested in Tele2’s fixed connection services were invited to scan a QR code displayed on Tele2’s booth. This directed them to a campaign landing page where they filled out a contact form. Subsequently, participants were offered the chance to spin a virtual raffle wheel to win exciting prizes.

Tele2 Tallinn Maritime Days Wheel of Fortune Campaign to collect leads and change brand awareness and affinity

Marketing Channels: Gathering Customer Leads through Playful Interaction

The campaign was primarily promoted at the Tallinn Maritime Days event, where Tele2 had its own booth. Utilizing QR codes and a dedicated campaign landing page allowed for seamless data collection and an interactive user experience.

Rewards and Incentives: A treasure for everyone

The Wheel of Fortune offered an attractive range of prizes, aligning with Tele2’s branding and marketing goals. Prizes ranged from Tele2 branded merchandise like pens, tote bags, and water bottles to more valuable items such as earbuds and a Redmi Note 12 phone.

User Experience: Leaving a Lasting Impression: Enhancing Brand Perception through Gamification

The user experience was carefully designed to ensure maximum engagement. The game was short and entertaining, featuring a virtual raffle wheel divided into 9 sectors, each with a specific prize. This personalized approach made the experience memorable and increased the probability of participants considering Tele2’s fixed connection offers.


The Tele2 Wheel of Fortune Campaign achieved remarkable results:

  • A significant increase in brand awareness and affinity.
  • A surge in customer engagement, with numerous participants expressing their enjoyment of the game.
  • A substantial number of potential customer contacts were collected, providing Tele2 with a valuable lead database.

Impact on Brand Perception:

The campaign’s interactive and enjoyable nature had a positive impact on Tele2’s brand perception. Participants expressed that the game made them view Tele2 more favourably than before, indicating the success of the gamification marketing approach.


The Tele2 Wheel of Fortune Campaign, powered by Adact’s gamification marketing expertise, proved to be an outstanding success. Through a playful approach, the campaign introduced Tele2’s fixed connection services to the audience, generated significant engagement, and collected valuable customer contacts. The positive impact on brand perception and customer sentiment reinforced the effectiveness of gamification as a powerful marketing tool. With the potential for future use, Tele2 is poised to continue reaping the benefits of this innovative approach to customer engagement and marketing.

In the meeting, we will take a look at ADACT, discuss different game ideas and how gamification can help reach your marketing goals.

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In the meeting, we will take a look at ADACT, discuss different game ideas and how gamification can help reach your marketing goals.

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  • You will learn how to easily launch gamification marketing campaings
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  • If possible, we will create your own designed campaign during the call together
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